Why is My Hamster Shaking with Closed Eyes? Unveiling the Reasons

Have you noticed your hamster shaking with its eyes closed? This concerning behavior leaves hamster owners wondering about the health and well-being of their pets.

By exploring the reasons behind this shaking, you can better understand your hamster’s body language and care for it appropriately. This article will uncover the main factors that cause hamsters to shake with closed eyes so you can address the issue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Temporary shaking during burrowing or running on a wheel is typically normal and not a cause for concern.
  • Persistent shaking, especially when not engaged in physical activity, may indicate an underlying health issue and should be evaluated by a veterinarian.
  • Hamsters can shake due to excitement, fear, or environmental factors such as temperature fluctuations or loud noises.
  • Eye problems such as conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, infections, allergies, or irritants can cause hamsters to shake with their eyes closed.

Common Hamster Behaviors: Exploring Normal Actions

Hamster Shaking with Closed Eyes

It’s important to understand common hamster behaviors before jumping to conclusions about shaking.

Before we look into the topic of shaking, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of what constitutes normal behavior for these tiny rodents.

Hamsters have various activities that they engage in daily, which can sometimes be mistaken for abnormal behavior if not properly understood.

By familiarizing ourselves with the typical actions of hamsters, we can better differentiate between normal and abnormal behavior.

Normal activities like burrowing or running on a wheel can sometimes cause temporary shaking in hamsters.

Hamsters are known for their love of exploration and physical activity. They enjoy burrowing into bedding material or digging tunnels in their habitat.

When engaging in these activities, you may notice some slight shaking or trembling from your hamster. This shaking is typically nothing to worry about and is often just a result of the exertion involved in these actions.

Similarly, when your furry friend hops onto their exercise wheel for a spirited run, you might observe some shaking due to the rapid movement involved.

As long as the shaking stops once they finish burrowing or running on the wheel, there is usually no cause for concern.

Recognizing typical behavior will help differentiate between normal and abnormal shaking.

Understanding what constitutes regular behavior for your hamster is key to distinguishing between harmless shaking and potential health issues.

By observing your hamster’s behavior over time, you will become familiar with their normal activities and mannerisms. This knowledge will enable you to identify any changes or unusual behaviors that may indicate a problem.

For instance, if your hamster is shaking persistently even when they are not engaged in any physical activity, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. In such cases, it is essential to consult a veterinarian for further evaluation and guidance.

Possible Reasons for Hamster Shaking

Reasons for Hamster Shaking

Here are a few possible explanations for hamster shaking behavior:

Excitement or Fear

One of the primary reasons hamsters shake is due to excitement or fear. Like humans, hamsters have a natural response system that triggers certain behaviors in different situations.

When they are excited or experiencing something new, they may shake as a way of expressing their emotions. On the other hand, if they feel threatened or scared, shaking can be a sign of fear or anxiety.

Health Issues

Another reason for hamster shaking could be underlying health issues, with respiratory infections being a common culprit. If you notice symptoms like sneezing, wheezing, or difficulty breathing, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian for a thorough diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Additionally, pain can also result in hamster shaking. Whether it’s due to injuries or conditions like arthritis, seeking veterinary assistance is crucial if you suspect pain as the cause of your hamster’s trembling, ensuring they receive the necessary care to alleviate their discomfort.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors play a significant role in a hamster’s well-being and behavior.

Temperature fluctuations can make them shiver temporarily as they try to regulate their body temperature. Ensure that your pet’s habitat is kept at an appropriate temperature range for their comfort.

Loud noises and sudden disturbances can startle and stress out your furry friend, causing them to shake momentarily. Try creating a calm and peaceful environment for your hamster by keeping noise levels low and providing hiding spots where they can feel safe.

Identifying the Reason

To address the issue effectively, it’s essential to identify the potential reason behind your hamster’s shaking.

Observing their behavior closely and noting any accompanying symptoms can help you narrow down the possibilities. If you’re unsure or concerned about your hamster’s health, consulting a veterinarian is always a wise decision.

Hamster Eye Problems and Potential Causes

One common concern that hamster owners may notice is when their furry friend starts shaking with their eyes closed. This behavior can be quite puzzling and leave you wondering what could be causing it.

Let’s examine some possible eye problems and their potential causes in hamsters:

Conjunctivitis or Corneal Ulcers

One of the main reasons why a hamster may shake with its eyes closed is due to eye problems such as conjunctivitis or corneal ulcers.

Conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the thin membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the whites of the eyes. Corneal ulcers, on the other hand, are open sores that form on the clear front surface of the eye.

  • Cause: These eye conditions can result from various factors such as bacterial or viral infections, injuries, foreign objects in the eye, or even underlying health issues.
  • Symptoms: Apart from shaking with closed eyes, your hamster may also exhibit redness, discharge from the eyes, squinting, rubbing at its eyes with paws, and general discomfort.


Infections caused by bacteria or viruses can affect not only humans but also our small furry friends. Hamsters are susceptible to developing eye infections that can lead to shaking or closing of their eyes.

  • Cause: Bacterial or viral infections can enter through wounds around the eye area or spread from other parts of your hamster’s body.
  • Symptoms: Alongside shaking with closed eyes, you might observe swelling around the eyes, discharge (clear or colored), redness, crusty eyelids upon waking up from sleep.

Allergies or Irritants

Just like us humans sneeze when exposed to allergens or irritants, hamsters can also experience similar reactions. If your hamster’s eyes are shaking with them closed, it could be due to an allergic reaction or irritation caused by something in their environment.

  • Cause: Common culprits include dust, pollen, bedding material, cleaning products, strong scents, or even certain foods.
  • Symptoms: In addition to eye shaking and closing, you may notice watery eyes, sneezing, scratching at the face or eyes with paws, and overall restlessness.

Regular veterinary check-ups play a vital role in identifying any underlying health issues that may be affecting your hamster’s eyes. Your vet will be able to assess the situation thoroughly and provide the necessary guidance and treatment options.

Caring for a Shaking Hamster: Proper Support and Care

If you’ve noticed your hamster shaking with its eyes closed, it’s crucial to provide the proper support and care to ensure its well-being. Here are some important steps you can take:

Provide a calm and secure environment

Creating a calm and secure environment is essential for reducing stress-related shaking in hamsters.

Make sure your hamster’s cage is located in a quiet area of your home, away from loud noises or excessive activity. This will help minimize any potential sources of stress that could be causing the shaking episodes.

Ensure a balanced diet with appropriate nutrition

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining your hamster’s overall health and well-being.

Ensure to provide a balanced diet consisting of high-quality hamster food supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional treats. Consult with your veterinarian or do thorough research to ensure you are providing the right nutrients for your furry friend.

Maintain proper hygiene

Maintaining cleanliness in your hamster’s living space is crucial for their health.

Regularly clean the cage, removing any soiled bedding or waste. Replace it with fresh bedding material to create a clean and comfortable environment for your pet. Make it a point to provide fresh water daily and clean food dishes regularly.

Final Thoughts: Insights into Hamster Shaking with Eyes Closed

Now that we’ve explored the various reasons behind a hamster shaking with its eyes closed, it’s essential to take the right steps. If you notice any signs of distress or unusual behavior, I strongly recommend consulting a veterinarian who specializes in small animals. They can provide expert advice tailored to your hamster’s situation, ensuring its well-being.

From my years of caring for hamsters, I’ve learned that understanding their behavior and acting promptly can significantly impact their health and happiness. There was a time when I observed similar signs in a hamster under my care. A timely visit to the vet helped address a minor eye infection before it could worsen, which was a relief.

The journey of caring for a hamster is indeed filled with learning and love. Each day may present new behaviors, some of which may require professional intervention. Over the years, my understanding of hamster health has deepened, and I’ve become more adept at identifying signs that warrant a vet visit.

Remember, the health and happiness of your hamster largely depend on your attentiveness and the timely actions you take. So, keep observing, learning, and ensuring that your furry companion is living a comfortable and healthy life. Through this continuous learning and observation, we become better hamster parents, capable of providing a safe and nurturing environment for our furry friends.

Take Note: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian regarding any concerns or questions about your pet’s health.


Is it normal for my hamster to shake while sleeping?

It is not uncommon for hamsters to twitch or shake slightly while they sleep. This is usually harmless and may indicate that they are having vivid dreams or experiencing muscle twitches during their REM sleep cycle.

Should I be concerned if my hamster shakes excessively?

Excessive shaking or trembling can be a sign of an underlying health issue or stress in your hamster. It’s important to monitor their behavior closely and consult a veterinarian if the shaking persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms.

Can eye problems cause my hamster to shake?

Yes, eye problems such as infections, injuries, or irritations can cause a hamster to shake its head or body as a way of trying to alleviate discomfort. If you suspect an issue with your hamster’s eyes, seek veterinary attention promptly.

How can I provide proper support and care for my shaking hamster?

Ensure that your hamster has a clean and comfortable living environment with appropriate bedding material, fresh food, and water. Minimize stressors in their environment and provide regular opportunities for exercise and mental stimulation. Regular veterinary check-ups are also essential to catch any potential health issues early on.

Are there any home remedies I can try to help my hamster stop shaking?

While it’s always best to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment, you can create a calm and soothing environment for your hamster by providing a quiet space with minimal disturbances. Avoid sudden loud noises or bright lights that may startle them. Maintaining a consistent daily routine can help reduce stress levels in your furry friend.